Start your plants off right
Our native clay soils can be challenging for new plantings and gardeners alike! Successful gardeners start their plants off right with the best soil amendments, mulches, and fertilizers. We carry everything you need to give your turf and landscape what it needs to thrive.
We are proud to supply Daddy Pete's superior soil products from their historic North Carolina farm. For smaller potted plants, we recommend Fafard Complete Container Mix. And, for fertilization, we recommend Espoma's Plant-Tone, Holly-Tone, and Rose-Tone products.
The following is a list of just some of the soils, Mixes, fertilizers and amendments we carry.
Fertilizers and Amendments
- Daddy Pete’s Cow manure
- Daddy Pete's Soil Enhancer
- Espoma Plant-Tone, Holly-Tone, Rose-Tone, Citrus-Tone, All season Lawn food
- Proven Winners Continuous Release Plant Food
- Jacks Classic all purpose, house plant, bloom boost, African violet, Orchid special
- Ferti-lome tomato and vegetable, Azalea & camellia, Tree & shrub
- Ferti-lome New Lawn Starter Fertilizer
- Fertilome Rooting Powder
- Hi-Yield Bone meal, aluminum Sulfate, Super Phosphate, Cotton seed meal
- Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper
- Hi-Yield Hydrated Lime
- Pelletized Lime
- Dr. Iron
- Daddy Pete's Lawn & Garden Soil
- African Violet Potting Soil
- Daddy Pete's Perennial Pleaser
- Daddy Pete's Planting Mix
- Daddy Pete's Planting Mix Plus PermaTill
- Daddy Pete's Potting Mix
- Daddy Pete's Raised Bed Mix
- Fafard Ultra Container Mix with Extended Feed
- Black Gold Vermiculite
- Black Gold Seedling Mix